Dr. Patricia Seemann is a Swiss
surgeon and the founder of The 3am Group, with a specialty like no-one else.
Her unique expertise is diagnosing and treating the most complicated and
intractable issues that plague large global corporations … the “Wicked
Problems” that, left unaddressed, can endanger the entire enterprise. She is
a former member of the Group Management Board of a major
financial services firm and has 15 years of experience
in helping CEO identify and deal with “Wicked Problems.” She will
be addressing those issues in a keynote presentation at #MCE55 Event in
Brussels in April 2016 (19-20 April 2016).
MCE: Does EVERYONE, no matter how driven, successful,
ruthless, or misunderstood genius they may be, have that 3 a.m. trauma in their
make-up? Why ? and what is it ?
Patricia Seemann (PS): Some will claim they don’t. The idea
is to project complete command over everything. As one guy told me: If I were
losing sleep, it would reflect a lack of competence on my side. Vulnerability
isn’t in the make-up of conventional leaders. They don’t know that there is a whole
bunch of stuff they don’t know. Which is what makes them so dangerous.
In a recent paper, two journalists interviewed about 60
leaders (government, military, corporate) who all agreed that Leadership is
failing because individuals cannot have the answers anymore. The word has
become unknowable.
What keeps them awake? Some things never change: where do I
get real talent from? How can I get my team to play nice, etc. Today it is also
a kind of impostor syndrome, feeling deep down that they aren’t up to the job.
The thing is, in a way nobody is.
You can help but helping them acknowledge that having the
answer is no longer the requisite or even possible skill. What is critical is
the ability to ask the right questions and to draw on the collective
intelligence of the firm. That of course predicates a very different leadership
MCE: Can YOU cure them of these night time bogeymen the
“something” lurking in the shadows ?
PS: I don’t know whether curing is possible, but certainly
helping the cope, yes.
MCE: Does guilt, unfulfilled dreams, unrequited ambition and
the need to be top dog play a key part and should certain behaviours act as a
warning flag? Can YOU do anything about it?
PS: Well, Carly Fiorina had a larger-than-life portrait hung
in the lobby of HP. I think that is a pretty clear signal that she has a
problem. Would I have been able to change that, probably now, because she
wouldn’t seek counsel from people like me. Of course all the things you point
to can and do play a role. I cannot change deep rooted character traits. But
what I can do is show them how working on some of their behaviours is to their
MCE: We’ve seen a whole slew of M and A’ s seriously derail
because tough CEOs want to empire-build to the exclusion of all rationality.
Will that always be there, or is it inherent in the “beast” that is the 21st
Century CEO?
PS:Certainly! But it is also the inability to think in
non-linear, messy ways. People assume that doubling the size of the firm
doubles complexity, in fact it increases on a logarhythmic scale. They also
rarely understand the notion of company as social systems with deeply tribal
characteristics. Tribes really don’t like to be brought together. Note also the role of the bankers. They can
make any deal look compelling good on paper. The numbers are always pretty. But
they do not reflect reality, because that is grounded in humanness, not
numbers. And finally scale means something very different in a knowledge
economy than if you are producing bricks.
MCE: Finally, If you had to say (or gently whisper) one word
or phrase to a CEO with his or her eyes wide open at 3 a.m., what would it be?
P S: Build a company that’s smarter than you Then you can
rely on it.